The renowned trumpeter and conductor Ludwig Güttler presents, together with his Virtuosi Saxoniae ensemble, a unique musical compendium of the Dresden Baroque era. e series embarks on a journey of discovery in search of the vast musical diversity of that time: compositions by Bach, Telemann, Vivaldi, Zelenka and many more can be heard in new artistic splendour. Star trumpeter and conductor Ludwig Güttler founded the Virtuosi Saxoniae, principally from members of the Dresden Staatskapelle, in 1985. It is thirty years, therefore, since he created an ensemble that since then has presented the works of 18th- century European music as it was heard in the chapel and at the theatre of the court of Saxony. True, the ensemble performs on modern instruments, but its performance practice is true to its historical antecedents. This anniversary has prompted the Berlin Classics label to release a Ludwig Güttler Edition on a scale never before offered. It essentially brings together the whole series of recordings that Ludwig Güttler made with his Virtuosi in the years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. The history of music in Dresden understandably provides the core repertoire.